The path

As any other guided journey CREACTION! also designs the path for those people who will do it. 

The person who will GUIDE the group, will first invite the group of TRAVELERS to sign up in the journey. Then he or she will establish a starting and finishing date, and not only that but also the theme of the final project to be developed in FUTURICA. 

The TRAVELERS start the journey answering a questionnaire that will draw their entrepreneurial profile - Starting profile - which is based on "Actitudes Emprendedoras de los Estudiantes Universitarios de la CAPV: Medición y Propuestas de Actuación” Ibáñez (2001) dissertation, that was afterwards updated in successive studies such as “Are there gender differences in students’ entrepreneurial profile?” Ibáñez et al (2011).

From that point on, the TRAVELERS will travel through five different places where they will find different activities - CREACTIONs - that are oriented to train their entrepreneurial skills. 

These are the five different places they will visit:

REFLEXIA: In this place they will discover their own capacities, values, learning ways, interests and dreams. It is a place to reflect on how they see themselves, how others see them and which is still more important, reflect on the steps that they will have to make in their lives in order to achieve everything that they want. 

INSPIRIA: In this place they will train their creativity doing different exercises that will take them out of your comfort zone

INNOVANIA: In this place they will start understanding the innovation bases and which are it´s implications to be able to create their own judgment and identify innovation anywhere. 

OPORTUNIA:  In this place they will learn to activate active observation and identify opportunities to add value and innovate. 

FUTÚRICA: In this place they will have to act and do a change project within your environment. They will follow the Design For Change global project methodology. 

After visiting these five places and having done all the Creactions, the TRAVELERS will answer the questionnaire again - Finishing Profile -  in order to messure the impact of the journey in their entrepeurial skill 

Once they conclude the journey, we offer materials to continue training the entrepreneurial skills, for those who will want to continue training. In other words, for those travelers that want to continue travelling in their own. 

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